Modular Tourguide Training
‚Postcolonial Bremen‘

The modular training for guides of the postcolonial city tours through Bremen is expected to take place annually.
During the training, the multipliers expand their knowledge on the topics of postcolonialism, racism and memory work. All participants are invited to question their own assumptions and reflect on their own perspectives.
Furthermore, pedagogical skills in mediation work are addressed: How do I stand in front of a group? How do I deal with racist remarks from the group? What is the Beutelsbach Consensus? How do I make a guided tour as interactive as possible?

… Anyone between the ages of 14-30
… who are interested in the topics of colonialism and racism and
… who will lead a postcolonial tour in tandem at least twice after the training.
You will learn more about the topics of colonialism, postcolonialism, racism and memory work.
… You will become a multiplier yourself and learn how to communicate important social issues to others.
… You will receive a certificate for your participation in the training.
… If required, we will be happy to issue you with a certificate of your voluntary commitment.
… For each postcolonial tour you take, you will receive an expense allowance in the form of a volunteer flat rate.
… Students can often have their voluntary work recognised. We are happy to support you in getting your work recognised.
… In consultation with teachers, students can use their volunteer work for subject papers or reports. We are happy to support you in consultation with your teacher.
The multi training for guides of postcolonial city tours is modular. This means that there are different offers you can take to complete the training.
Your individual training consists of at least three components. You should definitely take part in the training weekend from 01.09.-03.09.2023. The weekend will take place in Bremen.
In addition, we ask you to take part in at least two further offers.
Here you can find an overview of all training offers:
I Cooking class: good food, music and get together with Afrika Netzwerk Bremen (14. Juni, 6 pm, Bremen )
I Training Weekend: Postcolonial Traces in Bremen (01-03 September Bremen)
I Educational trip: Postcolonial Traces in Berlin (14-16 July Berlin)
I Workshop: Listening – decolonial perspectives in global learning (21 June 16-19pm online)
I Workshop: Bremen’s ports – a global postcolonial view (approximately Sep/ Oct in Bremerhaven)
I Workshop: Guided tour on colonialism through the Übersee-Museum Bremen (tba)
Send an email with a few sentences about yourself to:
Alternatively, you can contact us via Whats App, Telegram or Signal at the following number: +49 177 7486902.OR you fill in this online-form
This information will be useful:
l Why do you want to join the multi-training?
l Which modules of the training can and would you like to take?
We will then arrange a short get-to-know-you appointment via Zoom or video telephony to discuss everything else.
Registration is possible on an ongoing basis.
Training weekend ‚Postcolonial traces in Bremen‘ PLUS two further modules of your choice.
Cooking evening with the Africa Network Bremen l June 25, 2023 l 6:00 p.m. l Bgm.-Smidt-Straße 47, Bremen
>> Delicious food, music and encounters.
Workshop: Listening – decolonial perspectives in global learning l June 21, 2023 l 4-7 p.m. (online)
Speakers: Hanna Krügener and Yili Rojas (Südblicke Berlin)
The inclusion of various perspectives, especially from the Global South, is fundamental in educational work. But how does this happen and how are these perspectives perceived? Listening and looking at your own, mostly Eurocentric, perception of the world are the focus of the workshop with speakers from Südblicke Berlin.
The workshop is about rethinking existing approaches and methods of global learning, recognizing and responding to the solidarity that many committed people from the Global South show us, being able to reflect on the privileges we inherited from the colonial era in order to to act and teach in a power-critical manner. Together we want to get to know and develop steps for the implementation of decolonial approaches in our educational work.
Excursion l July 01, 2023
Joint visit to the exhibition ‚Hey Hamburg, do you know Duala Manga Bell?‘
Here you can find information about the tour:
Excursion l July 14.-16., 2023
Together with Postkoloniale Berlin we walk through the African Quarter and learn more about the German colonial era and today’s struggles for street (re)naming. In the Thikwa Museum we experience dance theater by artists* with and without disabilities and in the exhibition „Looking Back I Looking Back – The First German Colonial Exhibition of 1896 in Berlin-Treptow“ we gain insights into black resistance. We also explore the little-known story of the „comfort women“ who were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military during World War II, their resilience and courage.
Training weekend l 01.-03. September 2023 in Bremen
Become a multiplier and offer educational opportunities on postcolonial traces in Bremen.
During the training you will learn more about colonialism, anti-colonial protest and post-colonial traces in your city.
We also look at the implications for people here and in the Global South today and discuss current cases of neocolonialism.
Museum tour on provenance research and collections from the colonial context l October 04th 2023 I 15:00-17:00 h l Übersee-Museum Bremen
Everyone is talking about ‚provenance research‘, especially when it comes to museum pieces that – as it is often called – come from a colonial context. But what exactly is provenance research? What does the work of a provenance researcher look like? And what does „colonial context“ mean? In this one-hour tour of the museum’s exhibitions, provenance researcher Bettina von Briskorn shows the museum’s connections to colonialism and reports on her work.
Workshop: Bremen’s ports – a global postcolonial perspective l ca. September / October 2023 l Bremerhaven
>> more information coming soon